Very interesting article! Makes me think of Adorno and Horkheimer's culture industry critique or Herman and Chomsky's propaganda model. Even though different theories, they show, as you also do in this text, how capital controls, at the very least influences, the output of cultural products surrounding war, love, history, ecology, etc., which in turn forms our worldview.

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Thank you! Indeed, the culture industry is very informative of this idea I’m developing and it’s relation to film production not only within the Hollywood system but outside of it. Not to say radical film does not exist, but it’s an acknowledgment that all filmmaking under a capitalist system is connected to capital in some way, as you say.

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Your blog, combining aesthetics/film with critical analysis, is a great idea, looking forward to reading more :)

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Thank you, this is much appreciated! There will be a lot coming soon exploring everything deeper and putting ideas to the test.

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